Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Penguins in sweaters?!?! Yes, its true.

 Penguin sweaters were created in 2000, when a oil spill near McPhillips Australia threatened the "fairy penguins" off the edge of exsistance. Fairy Penguins are the smallest bird of their species, weighing on average 2-3 pounds.  Penguin sweaters are designed for penguins who are caught in oil spills, considering that after a animal is caught in an oil spill, they need to be captured and cleaned.. and this may take a while, so to help with this process people came up with penguin sweaters! Penguin sweaters help the penguins by when they "preen" which means try to clean there feathers which would prevent them from swallowing the oil, which would most likely lead to death. Also it helps the penguins because the oil destroys there natural oils, and when the natural oils are gone so are there natural body heat. After the penguins are cleaned and put into a rehabilitation center , they are sent back home, with there natural feathers!

I think this is a fantastic invention, that makes me ponder the idea of whether or not, we can make more solutions that can be as simple as this, to help preserve our wildlife caught in oil spills?

~ Emily Mary C:

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