Thursday, May 19, 2011

Imagine All The Oil In The Fish!

Look at all that oil polluting the ocean and the aquatic life in it! This is really harmful to not only the enviroment and the aqautic life but to us too! The little fish eat the oil thinking it is what they always eat therefore they now have oil in them. Then bigger fish eat these little fish, but the bigger fish eat more than one so they have a higher concentration of oil in their systems. So when even bigger fish eat multiple fish they have an even higher level of oil. The higher you go in the food chain the higher the concentration of oil there is. This means that when the food chain reaches humans and we eat these contaminated fish, we end up with an insanely high amount of oil. This could be very harmful to our bodies. So even though we may think that the oil spill anfd the contamination it did to the water would never reach us, it will. I woulde not be able to live in towns beside the coast because mt family would probably be used to eating the fish from the ocean lots. It would probably be our main source of food, but if this food supply becomes contamintaed with oil we would not have very many healthy food sources. We would probably take a very long time to adapt to not being able to eat the fish from the ocean. If we did eat the fish we would probably become infected with diseases caused by oil contamination! I could not imagine having one of our main food sources contaminated!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I never thought of the fish getting more oil in there system everytime they ate a fish. But that is an excellent way to look at things. And the picture you showed really got my attention because I didn't know what the person had on there gloves but I figured it out eventually.

    -Jason Wall ;)
